Being Confused


    If you find yourself puzzled by the meanings of certain Transmissions, take a step back and explore the Earth Light Transmissions. They establish the foundational principles necessary for applying insights to our daily lives.

    Recognizing that much of our thinking is shaped by conditioned concepts we’ve accepted over the years is crucial. Often, we are unaware of how we unconsciously respond to these ingrained patterns, living life under an illusion.

    We must actively observe our thoughts and reactions because most actions echo habitual behaviors. A significant mistake is to limit our potential, confining ourselves to a narrow existence that hinders the growth of meaningful relationships. This self-imposed confinement breeds insecurity, feelings of abandonment, and a pervasive sense of anxiety and loneliness.

    Understanding how consciousness operates in our lives is vital, whether or not we believe there is a greater purpose for us. Our bodies function like chemical factories, requiring a continuous energy supply for optimal performance. Everything that lives depends on a steady supply of sustenance; fundamentally speaking, our bodies can be viewed as vessels for nourishment.

    This isn’t a secret; it’s common knowledge. However, life on Earth demands a relentless influx of resources for survival. In this sense, one could argue that the Earth essentially consumes itself.

    This principle applies equally to the human body. While we may consume everything available to us, other species have been known to prey on humans. Although direct cannibalism has primarily declined over the centuries, our bodies deteriorate in subtler ways. Our ignorance as a species could lead us to be labelled as gourmands, consuming everything indiscriminately. This rampant consumption, combined with harmful additives and chemicals that prolong food’s “freshness,” often proves more damaging than nourishing. Over time, such practices can compromise cellular reproduction, leading to tumors and cancerous conditions where cells begin to consume one another.

    Imagine standing outside the Earth, observing the myriad adverse effects human greed and destruction have inflicted on the planet. Would such a perspective change your attitude and behavior? Only you can answer that.

    We must acknowledge the advancements in scientific technology that enhance our lives and enable us to thrive. However, we cannot absolve technology of its role in the ongoing degradation of our planet.

    It’s conceivable that our reliance on technology has charted a course towards our extinction. This pattern is not unfamiliar within our solar system; much the same has occurred on Mars, leaving it a barren wasteland. Our technological aspirations suggest a desire to escape in spaceships, yet they risk repeating the same destructive cycles.

    This may very well be the source of our greatest confusion.

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