Moving into the sub-conscious world of consciousness.
Something old and something new – so often we find that some of the old concepts in India, in particular, that of reaching the silence of a moment in being following the process of meditation and attention where we access the moment of now, has now been reformed and become a teaching called mindfulness.
Mindfulness as a system and teaching has been based on the Buddhist teaching of quieting the mind allowing the aspirant to reveal the silence of being one with the moment of Self.
However, mindfulness has utilized that method to open the mind to experience a physical sensual awareness relative to releasing the memories and experiences within the body’s pent-up stress and emotions by focusing on the present moment of consciousness.
Different people have been trained to teach others mindfulness after a short training program, by experts, that promises to reveal how to utilize positive thoughts and overcome the negativity that reduces stress and problems leading to a life of freedom to live in the present moment.
The trained teachers are used to approach different corporations to hold three-day seminars for their managers and executives claiming that it will increase a more stress-free environment where their employees all be more productive and integrate a sense of unity.
We never hear about the negative outcomes that many participants experience, who never complete such seminars and who experience adverse effects that lead to trauma, anxiety, depression and unwanted negative memories,
Many accredited teachers have no specific training on how to cope with mental conditions when they arise and there are no assessments available to scan participants relative to their mental health before attending a seminar.
The book, “The Buddhist Pill” written by two psychologists voices the lack of research into the adverse effects of the dark side of mindfulness.
Many who suffer adverse effects from these seminars often blame themselves thinking they have done it wrong and that is not uncommon,
Those teaching mindfulness claim is a powerful form of fully living in the now, claiming they have the approval of the Deli Lama.
In this blog, we want to warn our readers of what many others have experienced from the ignorance of those teachers who are ignorant of the harm they are putting attendees under having little concern for students' safety and mental stability.
Earlier in this blog we said that mindfulness, as, a system, was based on the mental functions of the mind and body and emotions.
Its focus must be on becoming aware of the sensual nature of the body and its relationship with everyday thinking when we are doing mindless tasks, while the mind is racing along recycling different problems and memories.
Mindfulness focuses on the deep thoughts that arise from the subconscious of the body's mind and bases its outcome on the Buddhist concept of reaching silence through meditation.
When students open their minds to past negative experiences, they cannot control what they have unleashed.
We live in a dangerous world of our creation unaware of the negative forces ready to go through our consciousness where we become consumed with fear, anxiety and depression. We hear voices that tempt us to behave unnaturally.
Herein lies the damage of mindfulness. The Transmissions state that through inner awareness of pure consciousness, we will attain silence within, but first, we must become aware of the pure consciousness of Self.
There is no need for meditation because holding one thought and eventually having to release that thought. Generally, when releasing that thought we become open to the usual flow of the mind.
The Absolute is perfect awareness has no beginning or end, for it is the ever-present moment we seek.
The ever-present moment does not exist within the body or mind for it is controlled by the concept of time and there being a past, present and future.
The body’s mind has no reality and is the false image of the ego and illusion.
When we become attuned to the Self the body’s mind is forced to return to its state within the Self’s consciousness ending all attachment with the body and the dark side of the subconscious.
Those concepts of mindfulness are broadly based on the body’s consciousness and are an illusion.
For us to remain focused on the pure consciousness of the Self is the only way we can experience and exist within the eternal moment of Self Awareness.