The Twisted Path



    Over the last thirty years, we have come into contact with Zadore’s Transmissions at different times. For most adherents, that was not the first time they ever began their search for the ultimate goal. However, many of us are still searching, reaching the same dead ends and having to retrace our steps. Does that suggest that we haven’t changed what we think demonstrates what we are missing and that we are accepting the same values we started with?

    Does this suggest that something is amiss and concepts that we still cherish as the straight path to travel? If that were so, then we would have already realized the truth of our being as distinct from the body. It is time to stop those journeys that create twists and turns that are dead ends like a garden maze.

    Can this path of ignorance be linked to our intellectuality, where we use the power of the mind to solve our problems based on inappropriate information?

    In the Transmissions, Zadore says that we should be aware when an inciting incident occurs and allow it to reveal what we are thinking and doing that is pushing our consciousness in the wrong direction.

    In the world, you are nothing important in remembering our real nature and purpose of body attachment. It is time for us to set aside all our worldly desires and become aware of the true path of reality. It is time to become aware and understand all our useless and misguided efforts, which direct us away from penetrating the impenetrable. For most people, that can be as impossible as capturing the wind.

    However, at one moment, you glimpsed something beyond the visible, which continued to guide you in revealing the knowledge of finding the pearl hidden from your reality. That was sent to you, giving you the answer to find a teacher or organization that will open your mind to the Light beyond the darkness. You strive to know and attain it. You constantly strive in the same direction, not knowing it is within your awareness, but the world blinds you.

    Possibly, someone has told you that pure consciousness is the authentic Self we seek, and that pure consciousness is openness and awareness that is witnessed as the wheel of life and existence. We are fond of reading what we call inspiring writing that reaches the inner depth of our soul. You can ignore that stuff because unless you become aware of the pure consciousness within without any particular confirmation, then no sweet, inspiring writing will be of any value to you. Words such as pure consciousness and the Self are only based on valueless false concepts.

    Because of your blindness, you believe that the Self and the individual mind are two different things, but all are one in the Light of Awareness.

    We cannot know what it means to be enlightened, which means you must be free of the bonds of illusion and attachment to the world. You see a return to nothingness, and the world is thought to be something tangible and real.

    What we think is real is unreal; what is something is nothing, and we can never be aware of the ever-shining light that reveals the pure consciousness that flows from beyond the manifest world of thought and illusion.

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