Understanding That We Are Not the Body



    In our everyday lives, we often identify ourselves by what we see in the mirror—our physical bodies. This perception, though widespread, is a fundamental misunderstanding of our true nature. The body is simply a vessel, a temporary physical form that allows us to interact with the world. To awaken to our true potential, we must understand that we are not the body. We are beings of light, consciousness flowing from a higher dimension, and recognizing this distinction is a key step toward attaining inner freedom and enlightenment.

    The Illusion of the Body is one of the most powerful aspects of the Astral Illusion. As explained in the Transmissions, our connection with the body often makes us believe that our consciousness is limited to the physical form. This misconception keeps us bound to the sensory world, where our sense of self is shaped by external appearances, material possessions, and worldly achievements. We forget that the body is simply the Earth’s vessel, a part of nature that follows the same laws as every other organism on this planet. The real “us” is not the physical form but the eternal light that flows into the Third-dimension through the Sun and manifests through the personality.

    Essence is our true nature. Essence is the eternal, conscious part of us that is not bound by the physical limitations of the body. It is the source of light, wisdom, and love that flows through all dimensions of being. Our bodies, on the other hand, are tied to the Earth—they are of the Earth and will eventually return to it. They are shaped by the elements, driven by instincts, and subject to the aging process. Essence, however, is not bound by time, space, or physicality. It is the part of us that has always existed and will continue to exist long after the body has ceased to function.

    The body is a tool, not an identity. It serves as a medium for Essence to experience the material world, but it should not be mistaken for the true self. Many of the struggles we face in life arise from our identification with the body. We become obsessed with our appearance, with comfort, with the fulfillment of physical desires, and with preserving the body at all costs. These concerns are deeply rooted in the Astral Illusion, which keeps us fixated on the outer world, believing that what we see and touch defines who we are. This identification traps us in a state of separation and fear—fear of aging, fear of illness, fear of death. By recognizing that we are not the body, we release ourselves from these fears and open the door to true freedom.

    The light that flows through us is not diminished by the physical form. Zadore describes how, at the time of birth, consciousness moves into the prepared body and personality, creating a connection with the Earth. However, over time, the personality becomes fascinated with the Astral Illusion, leading to a fragmented experience of our own light. Instead of recognizing the radiant being that we are, we see ourselves as limited, separate individuals, defined by our physical circumstances. This misidentification not only limits our potential but also diminishes the light that we bring to the Earth.

    To begin the process of disidentifying from the body, we must first cultivate awareness of our true nature. We are beings of pure light, flowing from the higher dimensions. Our connection to the Earth is significant, but it does not define us; rather, it serves as a part of our greater journey of consciousness. The Earth itself is a conscious being, and our bodies, as extensions of the Earth, allow us to participate in its evolution. However, we must not lose sight of the fact that the body is temporary, while the essence within us is eternal.

    One of the essential practices in achieving this awareness is the withdrawal of identification from the body and its sensory desires. The Astral Illusion encourages us to indulge in the pleasures of the senses, leading us to believe that our physical desires and appetites define who we are. This identification keeps us in a constant state of want, striving for more comfort, more pleasure, more power. However, the path to inner freedom requires us to withdraw our will from these sensual desires and direct it towards Essence. When we do this, we begin to experience a sense of detachment from the body—not as a rejection of the body but as a recognition that it is not our true self.

    The body, in its highest state, becomes a temple—a vessel through which the light of Essence flows freely and consciously. When we transform the nature of our lower being and align our will with that of Essence, the body no longer acts as an obstacle to spiritual growth. Instead, it becomes a servant of the higher will—a reflection of the consciousness of Self in the material world. The body then moves in harmony with the light, free from the compulsions of desire, vanity, and fear. This transformation is not about denying the body or its needs but about recognizing its true purpose as a channel for the divine.

    Ultimately, true freedom comes from realizing that we are not the body. We are beings of light, and our purpose here is to bring that light into the material world, to illuminate the Earth and elevate its consciousness. When we let go of our identification with the body, we free ourselves from the fears and limitations that have kept us bound. We begin to see ourselves as we truly are—eternal, radiant, and deeply connected to the Universe. This realization is not an escape from the physical world but an invitation to experience it from a higher perspective, where the body becomes a tool for the expression of love, light, and consciousness.

    To study the Transmissions and internalize their teachings is to awaken to this truth—to recognize that the body is not who we are but merely a vessel for our journey. It is through this understanding that we can break free from the illusions of separation, transcend the limitations of the material form, and step fully into our role as beings of light, bringing healing, transformation, and unity to the Earth and all of creation.

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