Humankind constantly seeks perfection, and the perfection sought cannot be attained, for it is a perfection that only exists in the Illusion and is a desire which springs from the vanity of the Ego. The desire for 'perfection' becomes a frustration for the Ego, which considers itself to be the focal point of all creation. And it does not want to see imperfection in itself.
Perfection, then, is seen as being an image of the Illusion of the Astral Lords, who also feel that they are the perfection of the Third and Fourth dimensions. Why does Humanity desire perfection when it is unattainable? As the Ego turns away from the Light of its Being, it continually follows the message of the Astrals, which says that by moving through the Third-dimension the Ego will become more powerful than the Light and will attain the power to be the new creator of all that is. The Ego is unaware that it is participating in an illusion, for it believes it acts in the dimension of perfection, and this dimension will be made perfect by its own creative ability, for it now believes that it is as great as the Light.
It follows that all perfection exists in the Light alone, for this is no illusion. To experience the perfection of the Light we need to experience that, which is part of the body of the Light. Look at the Universe, the stars and planets, and the Earth. For the Earth is a perfect creation of the Light. What appears imperfect is the destruction done either by you or by what you accept as necessary when done by a third party. Your body and the bodies of all the animals on the planet are also born perfect. The body is born perfect, but it is changed the moment that you project your Ego consciousness into it!
I hear you say that the body is not perfect, since even at birth it demonstrates disease and sickness, even distortions of form. The Illusion has allowed you an outing from this contradiction, or so you think. You feel, and have been told that all these imperfections are the result of hereditary factors, as well as taints that have been handed down through the race over the millennia.
In essence there is some truth in that belief, but the truth relates to a responsibility which you have not yet accepted. That responsibility is to accept the fact that you have caused all sickness and distortion to the body. You will not escape responsibility for your body by moving into the Vortex, for that body is the Earth, and you are responsible for the Earth. You will not co-create with the Light until you move that Light to the Earth, which is your body.
At the time of conception until you begin to attach your Ego with the emerging form, that form is perfectly made by the Earth through the morphogenetic patterns in the Radiation belts. 'Karma' is what you carry with you endlessly from one life to another. It is this karma or weight which distorts the body from its beautiful form, a form that is as perfect as the Earth itself.
In fact, the morphogenetic pattern of the body is of a similar form to the morphogenetic pattern of the Ego. As such, within the Astral Illusion, the Ego feels that it is the God, and has seeded the consciousness of Humankind in the Illusion with the belief that the Earth-body is made in the image of God. When you see the distortions and sickness displayed in the body, you say, 'Why has God done this to me? Why does he allow me to suffer so?' This is the Ego talking, for it too is distorted by the Karma it has inflicted on the Earth by living the Illusion of the Astrals.
Do you see where you are now? Look at yourself, see how you are living, thinking and behaving. Do not blame others for your circumstances, for you and only you are responsible. It is common to blame your mother or father, or your school teacher, the government, or someone else who may have molested you when you were young, or run you down in a car accident, or attacked or hurt you in some way. There are thousands of excuses. What is yours? It is time to begin to look directly at your circumstances and determine why you are where you are, for then you will become ready to drop off some of your Karma, and find perfection in your own Light.
All shedding of Karma is not restricted to altering your mental and emotional approach alone. You have to work on the level of matter as well; you have responsibility for your body and its health and well being. You will need to approach the type of food and the liquids that you put into it, as well as deciding on a regular amount of exercise in order to allow the energies to function well. Your approach to your body should be one of prevention and care, not using many of the drug preparations, which come from the Astral Entities in the Illusion who use destruction in the name of health.
All consciousness consists of frequencies of energy, and this applies to the Earth as well as your Ego. As the Earth begins to move its consciousness into another dimension, it will exhibit energy transformations of higher frequencies. Energy medicine is now in its infancy, and will quickly move forward as the consciousness of the planet moves toward the Fourth-dimension. Already the energy status of the body has been mapped and written in equation form. By comparing the current status of your personal energy equation with the ideal energy equation, healers can determine how much your personal karma is affecting the health of your body. There are other developments in healing, which are all moving frequencies toward healing and the Vortex, for it is a Vortex of Light and Healing.
Perfection is not a necessity; rather it is the becoming that is important here. You are beginning to dwell more and more in the Vortex, and through this you begin to clear your vision of all the muddying and coloring that prevent you from being the Light Being that you already are. Do not place difficulties in your path, for it is only through simplicity that you become One Light again. You are moving into freedom. Do not doubt, for doubt is an Ego function designed to hold you back.
Just because you may have lost a limb, or suffered loss of an organ through surgery, or may be suffering from a terminal illness, do not feel that you are unable to enter the Vortex, nor that you will be unable to shed your Karma. You do not have to be young and beautiful in bodily form to enter into the higher frequencies of the higher dimensions. It is of the utmost importance that you learn about yourself by understanding your illness or infirmity. Be sincere, and ask to be given the understanding of how these things are affecting your journey to Light. You will receive your answer, but do not try to reason it, do not allow the Ego to tell you what it thinks it is. Let the answer speak to you through your feeling. Observe yourself daily and how you feel and react to others. Do not become involved with the reactions of others to you, for they are only mirroring you. The more you strive in these efforts, the more you will lighten the load you carry.
You will find that all illness comes from this one source within you, which is your separation and participation in the Illusion. It is a time of forgiveness, forgiveness of others whom you blame, and forgiveness of yourself and the way you have allowed your Ego to blame you. Your healing and return to wholeness depends on how you see this, and not how the body is, for there are no bars to your spiritual Light and wholeness.
One of the greatest problems that the majority of individuals on this planet experience is the lack of humility. Possibly because the ability to be humble is not acceptable to the Ego. Humility is not an act of effacement or of bowing down to another, or of practicing so-called modesty. Mostly, when the Ego practices humility, it sees it as groveling. The Ego does not want humility, but expects others, including the real you, to bow down to its greatness.
Humility is an act of allowing others to be – to be what they are and not what you want them to be in order to fit in with your control. Your Ego must learn humility not only to others, but also to you – the real you that is emerging through the Vortex. We are now getting closer to the core of our present study within the Vortex, and that is of surrender.
From what I have discussed here, you will, through effort, come to that moment in consciousness where your Ego must make the next move as you watch and observe. It is time for the Ego to surrender its illusion and become your friend and servant once more.
Those who dwell in the Illusion view the act of surrender as being demeaning and unsuccessful. For a nation not to repel an invading force means it must either fight on to the last person or surrender. In the eyes of the Illusion, fighting to the death of the last individual is seen as being a stance of valor, and surrender a stance of weakness. Following surrender, all the spoils and wealth become the property of the victor.
Your Ego has come to the stage of your development whereby it must surrender all that it considers to be real to the emerging Light of your Being, for the spiritual process of surrender is necessary for you to become One Light.
Take the time now to look at yourself and the way you behave. Do you practice true humility? Do you allow others their space, not intellectually but actually? Do you still want things to occur the way you want them to? What are your wants and desires? Look at those things which plague your consciousness on a daily and hourly basis. What is the subject to which your thoughts constantly return when you are alone? Within the Illusion do you always plan events ahead? Do you plan to create wealth, build an empire, to buy a better car? Do you feel the need for material fame, honor, position? Do you want others to look up to you and place you in a position of importance? The list will go on through the many fragmented desires found in the Illusion. It is time for you to surrender all these to the One Light. You only need to desire one thing, and that is the Light and Love of the Light.
Surrender is not an act of giving up all you have learned and possess, not your wealth or position, nor the positive understanding you have. Surrender is the act of giving the victor everything. All the greatness you possess and all the so-called sins are given freely to your Inner Light. For, when everything is exposed to THE LIGHT, that which is nothing but illusion will fade into insignificance, as 'nothing' cannot exist in that, which is.
Offer and surrender all that you desire to the Light, including your Ego, and the more you ardently desire to Be the One Light, then will all petty desires fade into obscurity.
The Light which shone through Jesus is also the Light which shines through you, and as you become one with THE LIGHT, you are as was Jesus. For, in the emerging New Paradigm there will be many saviors for the Earth, and this will be the so-called second coming. Jesus was reported as saying, 'Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all other things will be added.' Surrender all to THE LIGHT and desire One Thing, and all will be added. You will not lose anything of true value and will gain the riches of the Universes.
Turn your back on the Illusion. Move your Ego to look within, to the Light that flows through you, through the Vortex from the higher dimensional source.
Let go of Ego control and become open and trusting, since it is only by trust that you will surrender all past and present desires, and can desire to Be One Light. Surrender is telling you to understand your lessons, and now sense One Light.
For you, this will become a liberation from all the control factors of the old paradigm, which hold you back and deaden all feeling for your divinity. Most of all, Surrender is your release from the desire to judge and control not only others, but the Earth itself.
It must be seen as a symbolic act of dying and being reborn and renewed, like the butterfly emerging from the cocoon. It spells the end to all Ego control, and all Astral control, as it allows you to make an act of forgiveness, not just for others, but also self forgiveness. But you have done nothing wrong, you have not sinned. All you have done is to have forgotten your Self, and the only self-forgiveness should be for that.
There is no judgment by One Light, no blame, just love and forgiveness.
By entering the Vortex, you have entered into a great awakening of yourself and of the Earth. Once you begin to feel, see, and be the Light, then you are awakening to the dawn of your own Being. It is like spending a whole night awake, suffering pain, and once the first rays of the sun light the sky, all darkness and doubt begin to disappear and you are filled with the trust that the coming light will lead you back to life, free of your current suffering. Light dispels darkness, and all fears are generated by the darkness of the Illusion and are lost in The Great Light.
Through surrender to THE LIGHT, you trust all, all that you are, all that moves through you from the Light of All. Desire no more the Illusion of the Astrals, for it does not exist in THE LIGHT.
Transmission from ‘The Vortex of Light and Healing’ by Zadore